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/ Monster Media 1995 #12 / Monster Media No. 12 (Third Quarter 1995)(Monster Media, Inc.).ISO / mm12.drp / MM12.DAT < prev   
Unknown  |  1995-10-01  |  2MB

This file was not able to be converted.

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
1% dexvert Clarion Database File (clarionDatabase) ext
1% dexvert Full Tilt Pinball Data (fullTiltPinballData) ext
100% file DOS executable (block device driver <) default
99% file data default
33% TrID GRASP animation default
23% TrID LAME encoded MP3 audio (ID3 v1.x tag) default
15% TrID LAME encoded MP3 audio default
12% TrID MP3 audio (ID3 v1.x tag) default
10% TrID Atari XE Executable default